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Quick start

pip install ezsam
sudo apt install ffmpeg imagemagick
ezsam --help

Standard installation

pip install ezsam

For video output, you need to install FFmpeg and have it available on your $PATH as ffmpeg for all the encoding options except GIF.

GIF output requires ImageMagick; convert must be available on your $PATH.

# For apt-based Linuxes like Ubuntu, Debian...
sudo apt install ffmpeg imagemagick

If you're having trouble, see Troubleshooting.

Binary installation

The gui app (only) has a compiled executable release.

  1. Still install FFmpeg and/or ImageMagick as in Standard installation
  2. (Optional) See here about "standalone" vs "one-file" releases
  3. Download a release
  4. Extract anywhere and run


On Windows, you might have to fix the executable's permissions to allow it to run:

  1. Right click release folder or onefile executable → Properties → Security → Advanced
  2. Check "Replace all child object permissions...", if it's the release folder
  3. Select first entry "Deny Everyone Traverse folder & execute" → Remove this Deny permission



Thanks to pytorch, and the general state of python package management, you might have run into installation issues.

Here's some pointers to try and help:

  • Setup and use a dedicated version of python that's not your system python, using for example pyenv
  • Use pipx to install in a separate environment: pipx install ezsam
  • Try a Development install, which uses locked dependencies in a virtual environment by default

If you really want to get things working:


Just in case it helps.... Here's a list of potential issues Windows 10 users might run into trying to install Python and ezsam from scratch, and one example (non-exhaustive) solution for each:

  1. Installer from can't be executed, even as Administrator. You've already checksummed the installer and checked its permissions.
  2. Microsoft Store Python 3.11 can't create virtual environment (using python -m venv .venv)
    • Workaround: Don't create virtual environment
  3. Installation (i.e. pip install ezsam) fails without support for long paths
  4. After installation, ezsam is not on the system PATH
    • Workaround: Add Microsoft Store python's scripts folder to your user PATH:
      1. Search bar → Edit the system environment variables
      2. Click Environment Variables
      3. User variables for <username> → Select and edit Path
      4. Add new variable, for example (replacing with your user AppData install location): C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Packages\ PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.11_xxxxxxx\LocalCache\local-packages\Python311\Scripts

Your mileage may vary. Good luck!